Many of my family members and friends have been requesting that I start a blog that I can use throughout my exchange, so, this one's for you guys ;). Anyway, so far I have enjoyed a pleasant experience with the Rotary Youth Exchange program. I applied in October 2017, was accepted in November 2017, and learned my host country in January 2018. In June I was contacted by my first host family (YAYAYAY!!!). I will be staying in the town of Santa Rosa de Cabal, in the department of Risaralda. Now, I am preparing for the CSRYE conference at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, which will be awesome, and I am trying to get my visa. The visa process has been BY FAR the worst part, but it's getting there. In the mean time, every day I get more and more excited! I'll do my best to keep you all updated ❤️