Yesterday was el Día del Amor y Amistad here in Colombia (translated it is The Day of Love and Friendship). It's essentially like a Valentine's Day that includes your friends too. This day made me reflect upon a few things: the wonderfully overwhelming amount of love and friendship I have received here in Colombia, as well as the overall loving, friendly culture of Colombia.
Every day since I have arrived here I have received immense amounts of love from my host family, my friends, and even strangers who hear my story. Even though cultural and linguistic barriers can make living in a foreign country isolating, here in Colombia everyone has gone out of their way to let me know that they care about me, and that I am not alone. This has made the adjustment here so much easier than it might've been. I really can't say I've been that homesick, because home is where the heart is- and my heart is here, with my Colombian family and friends. The gratitude I feel for all of them is immense- my family is attentive to my every need, and my friends here are always there for me to lean on. Colombia has become my home thanks to these wonderful people and their love and support. I can't imagine my life without each and every one of them.
It's not just my family and friends here that are full of love- it seems like everyone here in Colombia has the same positive, outgoing attitude. Sitting in a cafe, strangers strike up conversations and share life stories. Checking out at a store, one might say "hasta luego (see you later)" to the cashier, whom one has never met before. The overall atmosphere here is one of positivity and love. Everyone here is always happy to see you, and happy to help. You can chat with strangers and make friends in an instant. Words cannot truly describe the happiness that Colombians carry in their hearts and the love that they readily share with everyone they encounter. This attitude of graciousness is something that I will carry with me for the rest of my life, and I hope to share it with all the people I meet. I am so happy to be here, and I am so grateful for all the Amor y Amistad that I have received.
My best Colombian friend and I celebrating our Amor y Amistad: