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Three Months of Growth and Learning

It has been three months since I arrived here in Colombia. It is commonly known exchange student wisdom that the first three months are the hardest ones- and though, for me, they haven't been too severely difficult, the adjustment has been tough at times. There have been moments where imagining seven more months here seems impossible, and times where it feels like I'd rather never leave. Out of these feelings, I have realized something very important: regardless of how long it may be, this time is flying by. Before I know it, I'll be back in the US. It makes sense why exchange students are told to say yes to everything: sure, I may be tired, I may prefer doing something else, but when will this opportunity ever come up again? This year I have in Colombia is only one year. I can come back after this year, yes, but it will never be the same as living here as an exchange student. So, even when it's 2 AM, when (attempting) to dance another salsa song sounds like the last thing I want to do, when the recocha* becomes too much- I still happily say yes to the invitation to dance, and laugh along with everyone else at the jokes I barely understand. Why? Because I may never get to do it again. Every day I spend here is a unique and precious experience. Even when I want to say no, I say yes, because who knows what beauty and learning I could be missing out on.

That's the thing about exchange. It's not an experience that's all about YOU. Though it may not seem like it, it can be rather a selfless experience- you have to put your personal wishes aside in order to get uncomfortable, in order to become a global citizen. It's not easy; it's not a vacation. But that's the beauty of it: if exchange weren't difficult, then it wouldn't be so cool. It wouldn't be the transformative experience that it is. The difficult parts of exchange, I think, are the most valuable parts, because these are the opportunities for growth and learning, these are the times when the kid who cried saying goodbye at the airport slowly transforms into the smiling adult who will eventually return to that same airport. This, really, is the heart of exchange- embracing the uncomfortable experiences and using them to become a better, more mature person.

After only three months here, I have learned and grown so much. I feel comfortable here in Colombia now. I know to treasure every experience, no matter how I feel about it, because who knows what it could teach me. These three months have been amazing, and I am so grateful to be here. Going forward, I hope to perfect my Spanish and continue to learn more about myself and others. Thank you to everyone who has made these three months possible. It means the world to me.

Mi linda Colombia:

Mi linda Colombia

*Recocha is a word in Colombian Spanish that means laughing, joking around, and generally just having a good time with other people.

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